old TinHat
won't stop a bullet, but I still feel safer wearing it"
ways to improve your Internet security.
Here are nine things you
can do to improve your security on the Internet:
- Don't open email
attachments unless you are expecting them.
- Check for the closed padlock
or key symbol in the browser window when entering your credit
card details and other personal information on a Web site.
- Only download
software from sites you trust.
- Assume all your emails
are read by other people.
- Use anti-virus
software and keep the virus recognition data file up to date.
- Use the latest
version of your operating system and web browsers.
- Use good
passwords - not names or words you'd find in a dictionary.
- Don't store important passwords
on your machine or in a password saver.
- Install a firewall.
They're not as complicated as you might think.
That's it. Enjoy the Internet.
If you take these elementary precautions, you've reduced your risk to the minimum
and the chances of something bad happening are extremely low.
tips on improving computer security